While 15Be works with organizations to improve corporate wellbeing and reduce workplace burnout, our FreeYourself initiative helps individuals fight burnout by teaching them how to manage stress on physical, mental, and emotional levels. FreeYourself personal burnout solutions include moving meditation classes, instructional videos, energy coaching, retreats, and burnout programs. Learn more at freeyourself.world
Energy Coaching
We live the life we are most comfortable living. It can be difficult—but oh, so glorious—to break out of our ruts, our habits, and our compromises to live in alignment with who we really are and what we really want.
Energy coaching is designed to move you forward. To identify what has you stuck in place, how to conquer your fears and live the life you secretly desire. Get started with energy coaching by signing up for a healing session on the FreeYourself website.
Moving Meditation
What is the quality of your energy lately? That’s not a question most of us are used to answering.
Yet you know when you feel sluggish, and you know when you’re excited. You can feel it in your body. Meditative exercise helps you understand and manage your energy. Our easy-to-learn approach applies Qigong energy work principles and guided visualization to help you release tension and increase the quality and quantity of your energy.
Be Camp Retreats
Join us for a weekend of connection at a stunning getaway in the Appalachian foothills of northeast Georgia.
During Be Camp, we invite you to take a deep breath, look inward, and find what feels right—what feels like you. Think of it as an opportunity to disconnect from the world, technology, your family and work, in order to reconnect with yourself.
You won’t sleep in a teepee. No trust falls. And, absolutely no touchy-feely platitudes that leave you feeling like you’ve got a chocolate cake hangover. You’re busy. You don’t have time for BS. We get it.
Instead, you’ll spend time in self-reflection, learning, and trying new things. You’ll kick off simple shifts in brain, body, and behavior as we explore self-renewal and self-care. You’ll have some time to relax and even take a nature walk. Are you ready to take time for you?
My Story
I spent my life wanting to be like everyone else. I didn’t value my difference, I worked hard to hide it.
I made sure it all looked good from the outside. The way I dressed, the things I said, the house I lived in, even the treats I sent to school. Subconsciously, I designed it all, so you’d judge me a success.
I built a life full of busy, and busy felt good. I felt alive and successful raising my kids, building my career, and living the dream. Until I didn’t.
Until that fateful day walking the beach with my husband at sunset. When I asked, “what does it mean to be happy?” I longed for a me I didn’t know.
I was addicted to work, burned out, hungry for passion (and a few minutes of peace), working in a job I didn’t love. Being busy kept me from feeling lonely and unlovable. It kept me safe and hidden.
So, I sought guidance from wise people and ancient traditions. I took my time. I learned to love myself and discovered the happiness I sought was inside me all along.
I found peace, re-energized my marriage, started a new career, and built a resilience that sometimes, I’ll admit, I still marvel at.
If you’d told me five years ago this could be my life, I wouldn’t have believed you.
You have this potential inside of you, too. I’ll help you find your way to free yourself from burnout.